This week sees the launch of our latest TV campaign, with a brand new advert featuring Marcel Kittel making its debut on Eurosport during the Tour de France to promote our premium Pro SL road range, the choice of the Hardcore Roadie.
Since retiring from the pro peloton in 2019, Marcel has rekindled his love for cycling and he now has been freed from training and racing has the time to hit the road, gravel tracks and trails – whatever he fancies – “being outside in nature, having fun with friends and forgetting about what else is going on in the world for a few hours. No pressure, just fun.”
Well said, Marcel.
The ad is the latest in our #HardcoreRoadie campaign, which gently pokes fun at some of the stereotypes of the road cycling scene– the selfie takers, the latte sippers and the segment hunters. While other brands may take a different path, we have always been committed to the ‘substance of advantage’ for all and real world riding. Even when you’re riding hard, cycling is supposed to be fun and we want to keep it that way.
Look out too for the adverts featuring round-the-world record holder Jenny Graham, who rode around an entire planet, unsupported in 124 days.
No-one exemplifies the #HardcoreRoadie spirit than Graeme Obree. Nothing stops the Flying Scotsman. He just rides, and rides, and rides. Make sure you check out our short film Graeme Obree: Athlete or Genius? and look out for more from Graeme soon...